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Books Plus Virtual meets via Zoom on the first Tuesday of the month. Please register to receive the Zoom link and login information. Age 18 and up.
81-year-old widow Maggie Burkhardt came to the Royal Karnak to escape. Under the hot Saharan sun, she has a comfortable suite, a loyal confidante in the hotel manager, and a handful of sympathetic friends who understand her still-vivid grief for her late husband. Here, she is merely the sweet old lady in Room 309. One morning, however, Maggie notices a new arrival at check-in: a mournful-looking young mother named Tess and her impish 8-year-old, Otto. Eager to help, Maggie invites them into her world. But it isn’t long before Maggie realizes that in her longing to be a part of their family, she has let in an enemy much stronger than she bargained for.